To add a direct WhatsApp link to your contact form, locate the HTML or PHP file where your form is defined. Look for the code handling the contact information or the button you want to link. Replace or enhance it with the WhatsApp API link, ensuring you dynamically include the agent’s phone number and a pre-filled message. Save the changes and refresh your website to test the integration.
in: platform\themes\homzen\views\real-estate\agent.blade.php
Search for <div class=“agent-contact-info”>
Add example:
<div class="agent-contact-info">
@if($account->phone && ! setting('real_estate_hide_agency_phone', false))
<a href="{{ preg_replace('/\D/', '', $account->phone) }}?text=Olá, {{ $account->name }}. Gostaria de saber mais sobre algumas das propriedades a venda/aluguel." class="agent-info-item" target="_blank">
<x-core::icon name="ti ti-phone" />
{{ $account->phone }}
in: platform\themes\homzen\views\real-estate\project.blade.php
<div class=“info line-clamp-1”>
<div class="info line-clamp-1">
<div class="text-1 name">
<a href="{{ $account->url }}">{{ $account->name }}</a>
@if ($account->phone && ! setting('real_estate_hide_agency_phone', false))
<a href="{{ preg_replace('/\D/', '', $account->phone) }}?text=Olá, {{ $account->name }}. Estou interessado(a) no projeto {{ $project->name }}. Pode me retornar com maiores informações?" class="info-item" target="_blank">
{{ $account->phone }}
@elseif($hotline = theme_option('hotline'))
<a href="{{ preg_replace('/\D/', '', $hotline) }}?text=Olá, {{ $account->name }}. Estou interessado(a) no projeto {{ $project->name }}. Pode me retornar com maiores informações?" class="info-item" target="_blank">
{{ $hotline }}
@if ($account->email && ! setting('real_estate_hide_agency_email', false))
<a href="mailto:{{ $account->email }}" class="info-item">{{ $account->email }}</a>
in: platform\themes\homzen\views\real-estate\single-layouts\partials\contact.blade.php
<div class=“info line-clamp-1”>
<div class="info line-clamp-1">
<div class="text-1 name">
<a href="{{ $account->url }}">{{ $account->name }}</a>
@if ($account->phone && ! setting('real_estate_hide_agency_phone', false))
<a href="{{ preg_replace('/\D/', '', $account->phone) }}?text={{ urlencode('Olá, estou interessado na ' . $property->name . ', poderia me fornecer mais detalhes?') }}" class="info-item" target="_blank">{{ $account->phone }}</a> <!-- LINK PARA WHATSAPP -->
@elseif($hotline = theme_option('hotline'))
<a href="{{ preg_replace('/\D/', '', $hotline) }}?text={{ urlencode('Olá, estou interessado na ' . $property->name . ', poderia me fornecer mais detalhes?') }}" class="info-item" target="_blank">{{ $hotline }}</a> <!-- LINK PARA WHATSAPP -->
@if ($account->email && ! setting('real_estate_hide_agency_email', false))
<a href="mailto:{{ $account->email }}" class="info-item">{{ $account->email }}</a>
You can customize the message and variables to suit your needs. In these examples, the link can send a default message about the specific property in question, or simply connect directly to the agent, addressing them by name. This flexibility allows you to tailor the experience for both the client and the agent.